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superpower - public speaking

Dr. Ngoma E. Moghalu

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I am Dr. M.

Researcher, and Public Speaker

My superpower is pubilic speaking. I am an educator, and professional speaker.

My academic training in public speaking prepared me for this profession, but it ​is my passion for connecting with people that drives my compassion to help, ​and motivate them to embrace their superpowers through public speaking. I ​use my gift of public speaking to share my experiences to reach a broad ​audience of people who will benefit from my story. Join me on this journey, ​and let us both uncover your hidden talent of public speaking et al. Let’s Go! ​Superheroes!!!!

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Speaking Resources

My favorite book of reference is “The Art of Public Speaking” by Stephen E. Lucas.

Lucas, S. E., & Stob, P. (2020). The art of public speaking. McGraw-Hill.

•Lucas, Stephen E. The Art of Public Speaking. 11th ed. New York: McGraw Hill, 2012.

Supplemental Information

Woodruff, T. K. (2020). Tell me your superpower!. Endocrinology, 161(3), bqaa021.

Haldane, A., & Brabin, T. (2023). Lived experience is your superpower. RSA Journal, 169(2 (5593), 10-15.

Carter, S. (2020). What are your superpowers?. Dental Nursing, 16(2), 70-72.

Feel free to conduct your own research

Speaking Goals

  • Discover your public speaking superpower ​and increase your visibility.

  • Incorporate your speaking superpower ​into your career.

  • Optimize your speaking superpower for ​financial and overall success.

Who Are YOU?

Helping people discover their superpower can be incredibly empowering. Leveraging your superpower can lead to personal and professional success. To uncover your hidden talents, you will go through a process of self-discovery, which will motivate you to find your superpower. When you embrace your superpower, you will identify your strengths are, and focus on the gifts that increase your productivity.

Self Discovery

Discovering your superpower involves self-reflection, exploration, and experimentation.

Here is a step-by-step guide to help you find your superpower:

·Reflect on Your Passions

·Seek Feedback

·Reflect on Peak Experiences

·Explore Different Areas

·Reflect on Impact

·Experiment and Iterate

·Trust Your Instincts

What Is Your Superpower?

Understand Your Superpower: Take the time to fully understand your superpower. Ask yourself what is, and how it manifests in your actions and interactions, and the impact it can have on your career, business and relationships. Reflect on past experiences where you have successfully utilized your superpower to achieve positive outcomes.

Identify Your Strengths

Take stock of your strengths and talents. What are you naturally good at? Consider both hard skills (e.g., technical abilities) and soft skills (e.g., communication, empathy). Your superpower often lies at the intersection of your strengths and passions.

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You have to BE:

  • Intentional

  • Consistent

  • Brave
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The results of using your superpower can vary depending on the specific superpower you possess and how you choose to leverage it. Here are some potential outcomes:

· Increased Effectiveness

· Personal Fulfillment

· Professional and Financial Success

· Positive Impact

· Personal Growth

· Fulfilling Relationships

Overall, the results of using your superpower can be transformative, and motivational, for your interactions, and personal development. By embracing and harnessing your unique strengths, you have the power to create positive change and make a difference in the world.

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Thank you

Contact Details


+1 - 210-816-3956



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